Call for Papers
Call for paper for Volume III is live now!
Call for Papers
The Arbitration & Corporate Law Review (“ACLR”) is accepting manuscripts for publication in Volume III, which is aimed to be published by summer 2025. The deadline for submission of manuscripts for the forthcoming issue is 15 March 2025.
Submissions will be accepted on contemporary and relevant issues in areas such as Company law, Insolvency law, Securities law, Competition law, Arbitration Law, Law of Taxation, IPR, Trade Law, and Employment law.
Submissions can take the following forms (exclusive of footnotes)
Short Articles – 3000 to 5000 words
Long Articles – 5000 to 7000 words
Book Reviews – 1500 to 2500 words
Case Comments – 1500 to 2500 words
Legislative Comments – 1500 to 2500 words
Content Guidelines
The submission should reflect the original and unpublished work of the author, which is not under review on any other platform. A maximum similarity index of 15% is allowed. Non-adherence to this rule shall result in the rejection of the manuscript summarily.
Submissions must ideally adhere to the word limits provided. However, the author can exceed the limit in case it is necessary for the purpose of discussion. This limit shall be exclusive of any explanatory footnotes that are added.
Submissions should be made in Microsoft Word (.docx) format.
The submission should adhere to the following formatting style.
Heading 1 - Times New Roman, 14, Bold, 1.5" spacing, Justified alignment.
Heading 2 - Times New Roman, Italics + Bold, 12, 1.5" spacing, Justified alignment.
Body – Times New Roman, 12, 1.5" spacing, Justified alignment.
Footnotes- Times New Roman, 10, 1" spacing, Justified alignment.
Relevant sources such as judgments, laws, treaties, news articles, and other legal texts must be added as footnotes adhering to the Uniform Bluebook 20th Edition citation style.
The submission should have an informative and narrative title.
The submission should accompany an Abstract (300-500 words) (to be provided in the form) which shall sum up the crux of the paper.
How to Contribute
All submissions must be made by filling out the Google form available in the Submit button below. Please do not send submissions via email; submissions sent via email will not be accepted.
Last Date of Submission: 15 March 2025.
Please do not disclose your identity in the Word document when making the submission. We follow a blind peer review process.
Co-authorship of up to 3 authors is allowed.
Publication Fee: We are a non-profit student-run organization. So there will be NO FEES/REMUNERATION requirement at any stage of publication.
(The Editorial Board holds absolute discretion in deciding whether the submission should be published or not. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Editorial Board will be final and binding.)​